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Katie Trickett is a sideshow specialist and has performed in over 25 countries, represented the UK in variety showcases in South Korea, on cruise ships, theatres and on TV. From cabaret to corporate events Katie adapts and tailors her skills to suit any audience making her an ideal and unusual addition to any event!

Sideshow isn't a magic act. It is 100% genuine and Katie has spent many years training and researching this area of the entertainment industry. Many of these acts involve real life danger and so please do not try to copy any of Katie's performances at home. However despite the danger and mild peril element often involved the sideshow is family friendly and suitable for all audience types. 

Acts Include:.

The Bed of Nails:  laying unharmed across a bed of 667 solid steel nails- one more dangerous than the devil himself!

Razor Blade Swallowing: swallowing a set of razor blades and a length of cotton then miraculously removing them neatly strung together!

Tennis Racquet Contortion: squeezing the body through not one but two tennis racquets decreasing in size but increasing in difficulty. 

The Bed of Blades: laying upon a bed of six solid steel machetes whilst chopping various fruit and veg upon the human body without injury.


The Ladder of Swords: carefully climbing barefoot up the ladder of swords, each step like standing on a razor sharp tight wire 

Contortion Box: twisting and contorting the body into a 45cm perspex cube

Sword and Dagger: balancing the edge of a sword on the very tip of a dagger... between the teeth!


Walking on Broken Glass: walking across shards of smashed bottles without a scratch. For the parents in the audience who know that there is one item which beats them all for foot pain-walking on Lego is a new addition to this act.

Straitjacket Escape: using contortion skills and joint manipulation to contain herself inside a fastened straitjacket, then having it inspected, tightened and heavy chains padlocked around her, this is the girl who cannot be contained!

And Many More...

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