The Double act is a fast-paced, comedy daredevil, whirlwind of a show featuring the combined talents of Johnny Strange and Katie Trickett. This show holds multiple Guinness World Records and frequently recreates many of the stunts featured in the Guinness World Record Books including chainsawing apples from the mouth...blindfolded, human target whip cracking, pierced weightlifting and more...
We have performed in many countries at all types of events including for the Mayor of Chang-ping in Beijing, large International conventions and on cruise ships. Our show is fully flexible and can range from 5 minutes to two full 45 minute sets depending on your requirements and venue suitability. Acts you will see can include:
The Bed of Nails
Sword Swallowing (with audience involvement)
Walking on Broken Glass
Human Target Whipcracking
Chainsaw Stunts
Pierced weightlifting (using the earlobes to lift heavy weights)
The Contortion box or Birdcage
Danger Illusions
The Sword and Dagger Balance
Fire Eating
Razor Blade Swallowing
The Ladder of Swords
The Bed of Blades
The Lawnmower Balance
Crossbow shooting
Knife Throwing
The Human Blockhead
and many more...
We have toured our double act extensively throughout Europe and in many Non-English speaking countries and have developed a non- speaking version of all of our acts ensuring we can adapt to suit any audience, Our show- despite the danger elements is family friendly and suitable for all audiences. We never swear or cause bodily injury to ourselves on stage, we are professionals and have years on training in all of our acts, we also change our act selection according to the audience type to make sure it will leave them amazed for years to come.
To see what we've been upto check Instagram at @katietricky or #johnnystrangeandkatietrickett where we post photos and details of upcoming public events!