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Merlin's Magic Day 2017


Miss Electra & Dr Diablo present the electric chair

Miss Electra and Doctor Diablo presented the electric chair act at Merlin's Magic Day in Wakefield. The audience were ushered in a darkened room in small groups, the eerie soundtrack set the mood whilst Dr Diablo stood beside a complete electric chair. The traditional sideshow banner gave a clue as to what was about to happen and the Dr began to introduce the act, demonstrating the genuine working condition of the chair. Miss Electra (thats me ;)) is invited to the stage and takes a seat, she then performs all sorts of unusual feats using electricity! Lighting fire torches from her tongue, transferring light across UV strip bulbs, even lighting a glass of water! Its not an act seen so often these days and has a great history!

After several demonstrations throughout the day we changed our look and did a set in the evening gala show. Dr Diablo performed the human blockhead and played with animal traps while I did my contortion box in the middle! It was a great busy day and we had lots of fun! Thanks for having us Merlins of Wakefield!

Katie x

Dr Diablo presents my box- it looks so small! his knee height!

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