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Lagunitas Beer Circus


Hey! So Johnny and myself just got back from a fun and crazy gig in one of our favourite cities- Edinburgh! It was a circus, but not as you know it!

We have just finished working for The Lagunitas Brewing Company, a subsidiary of Heineken International, at their “Beer Circus”.

The Beer Circus was to launch the new Lagunitas drink "Daytime"- in the UK and the theme was “things you cannot unsee”. They had an awesome intimate venue with a catwalk style stage and we performed alongside some other acts stylising themselves for the unusual theme. Their host, a quirky ringmaster with a booming voice introduced us. We also worked alongside a bearded lady aerialist and fire performer and a wonderful drag queen, we provided the danger element bringing along the chainsaw, pierced weightlifting, glass walking, ladder of swords and contortion.

It was a really fun event and if you like pale ale I'd recommend trying a Lagunitas Daytime...

Katie x

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