This year I had one of the loveliest Christmas contracts ever. I was lucky enough to perform at the Barton Grange Hotel Christmas parties with a wonderful team of people. We provided walkabout photo opportunity entertainment before the dinner and then short performances between the courses. I was performing my box on a table which they customised for me to raise me off the ground, performing higher up was strange at first but after a few dress runs I had gotten used to it and prefer it to ground level now. We had an awesome Dj des Grant hosting the night, walkabout magicians, Slava the brilliant Russian Juggler and Stephanie King who is possibly my favourite hula hooper of all time. She is unbelievable to watch. The team was headed up by Simon and Nicola from Mop Photography who are amazing people, Simon has an incredible eye for catching the exact shot or creating unforgettable moments. Check out some of their work below, all photos are by Mop Photography.