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Interview with Radio Riviera


So this isn't so much a blog post as a quick addition to the Montreux post...

Whilst performing in Montreux this time we had the pleasure of being interviewed by Radio Riviera- the main radio station in Montreux and the surrounding areas. They were a lovely team and asked us all sorts of questions about our acts, how we got into performing and some more fun and personal questions too. They also filmed a lot of our live shows and shared them on Instagram which can be found by searching my tagged posts or on their own instagram @radioriviera - it was great to be broadcast in another country and I love how vintage the photo of us recording looks.

Just for fun, here's some of the questions they asked and my answers:

Q: Have you always worked together? Are you also a couple?

A: We have and do still perform solo acts without one another but we are together and so it is always very nice when we get to work together too... plus the level of trust you develop with your partner is what makes this act work.

Q: What is your favourite act to perform?

A: It's very hard to just choose one, I guess I would have to go with the chainsaw because it creates such a great exciting atmosphere and tension in the crowd.

Q: How did you learn to do these things?

A: We have trained and worked together for many years to learn and perfect these dangerous feats, we do not recommend that anybody tries to recreate them- we are trained professionals and when not done correctly these acts could have different endings! But we absolutely love what we do and we are always learning and working on adding new, unusual stunts to the show.

Q: What is your favourite food?

A: Hmm random! I'm a pretty picky eater but I'd have to say Sushi- I would never turn down sushi.

So thats that, then it was Johnny's turn and I switched my ears off for a bit. It was great to be involved in the show though and if we go back to Montreux next year we hope to be able to show these guys a whole new act!



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